Adult Education

Squared Circle facilitates Erasmus+ Adult Education mobilities offering a wide range of learning programmes focused on creativity, the arts and media, alongside cultural activities and language learning.

We offer either self-catering apartments or hotel style accommodation for adult education learners and can tailor learning programmes, the length of the mobilities and pastoral care and support to the specific needs and interests of your groups.

Available Roles

• Art appreciation

• Ceramics

• Sculpture

• Photography

• Digital Media

• Graphic Design

• Classical and modern architecture

• Content and Language Integrated Learning programmes (CLIL)

• Visual Arts (Painting, Drawing/Illustration, Printmaking, Video Art/Filmmaking)

• Multi-media (Interactive Media, Audio Production, Video Editing, Digital Storytelling, Virtual and Augmented Reality)

This is not an exhaustive list so if there is another arts, media, creativity or culture topic that your Adult Education learners would be interested in, please just ask!